Cocos2d-x   发布时间:2022-05-02  发布网站:大佬教程
大佬教程收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了cocos2d-x V3.x内存管理分析大佬教程大佬觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


cocos2d-x移植自Objective C的cocos2d,其内存管理其实也来自于OC。因而对于写过OC程序的朋友来讲,cocos2d-x的内存管理应该是一目了然的,但对于本渣这枚没接触过OC的C++码农来说,或许直接看cocos2d-x源代码才是最直接快捷的方式。




* Allocates and initializes a node.
* @return A initialized node which is marked as "autorelease".
* 分配空间并初始化Node
* 返回一个被初始化过且是autorelease的Node对象
static Node * create();

下面让我们来看这个函数的实现。该函数采用二段式创建的方式——首先用new operator在heap中开辟空间并进行简单的初始化,假如new返回一个合法地址(cocos2d-x没有采用c++的异常处理机制),则接着init函数用于实际初始化Node的成员。只有在这二者都成功后,才把创建的指针设为`autorelease`(关于`autorelease`后面会继续解释)并返回。 ```c++ Node * Node::create() { Node * ret = new Node(); if (ret && ret->init()) { ret->autorelease(); } else { CC_SAFE_DELETE(ret); } return ret; }



define CC_SAFE_DELETE(p) do { delete (p); (p) = nullptr; } while(0)

这个二段式的create函数在cocos2d-x中非常常用,因而cocos2d-x用了以下一个叫`CREATE_FUNC`来表示这个函数以便给继承Node的子类使用: ```c++ /** * define a create function for a specific type,such as Layer * @param \__TYPE__ class type to add create(),such as Layer */ #define CREATE_FUNC(__TYPE__) \ static __TYPE__* create() \ { \ __TYPE__ *pRet = new __TYPE__(); \ if (pRet && pRet->init()) \ { \ pRet->autorelease(); \ return pRet; \ } \ else \ { \ delete pRet; \ pRet = NULL; \ return NULL; \ } \ }

这样,继承Node的子类(例如ExampleLayer)只需要在类声明(class declaration)中加入CREATE_FUNC(类名)(例如CREATE_FUNC(ExampleLayer)),再override下init函数即可。



下面我们先来看Ref类的声明,这里为了突出重点,我们忽略script binding的情况:

class CC_DLL Ref
* Retains the ownership.
* This increases the Ref's reference count.
* @see release,autorelease
* @js NA
* 拿到所有权
* 这会增加引用计数
void retain();

 * Releases the ownership immediately.
 * This decrements the Ref's reference count.
 * If the reference count reaches 0 after the descrement,this Ref is
 * destructed.
 * @see retain,autorelease
 * @js NA
 * 立即释放所有权
 * 这会减少引用计数
 * 如果更新后的引用计数为0,该Ref对象会被销毁
void release();

 * Releases the ownership sometime soon automatically.
 * This descrements the Ref's reference count at the end of current
 * autorelease pool block.
 * If the reference count reaches 0 after the descrement,this Ref is
 * destructed.
 * @returns The Ref itself.
 * @see AutoreleasePool,retain,release
 * @js NA
 * @lua NA
 * 自动释放所有权
 * 这会减少引用计数
 * This descrements the Ref's reference count at the end of current
 * autorelease pool block.
 * 如果更新后的引用计数为0,该Ref对象会被销毁
 * If the reference count reaches 0 after the descrement,this Ref is
 * destructed.
Ref* autorelease();

 * Returns the Ref's current reference count.
 * @returns The Ref's reference count.
 * @js NA
 * 返回该Ref对象的引用计数
unsigned int getReferenceCount() const;

* Constructor
* The Ref's reference count is 1 after construction.
* @js NA
* 构造函数
* 初始引用计数为1

* @js NA
* @lua NA
virtual ~Ref();

* 采用引用计数(reference counting)
* _referenceCount就是计数值
// count of references
unsigned int _referenceCount;

friend class AutoreleasePool;

// Memory leak diagnostic data (only included when CC_USE_MEM_LEAK_DETECTION is defined and its value isn't zero)
// 以下函数用于开启内存泄露检测时打印出泄露信息


static void printLeaks();



从上面的代码,我们可以初步了解到:Ref采用引用计数(reference counting)的方法来管理某个指针所指向的某个对象,初始创建时计数是1,当计数变为0时该对象被析构;`retain`方法会增加计数并拿到所有权,而与之对应的,`release`方法会减少计数;`autorelease`是把所有权交给友类(friend class)`AutoreleasePool`,让它来决定何时减少计数,这个类我们后面会继续谈到。 下面我们来看Ref类的实现(definition): ```c++ #if CC_USE_MEM_LEAK_DETECTION static void trackRef(Ref* ref); static void untrackRef(Ref* ref); #endif // 在初始化列表中将计数设为1 Ref::Ref() : _referenceCount(1) // when the Ref is created,the reference count of it is 1 { // 假如开启内存泄露检测,则追踪该对象指针,将该对象指针放入一个列表(list)中 // 后面的代码我们很快就会看到这个list #if CC_USE_MEM_LEAK_DETECTION trackRef(this); #endif } Ref::~Ref() { // 假如开启内存泄露检测且引用计数非0,则在追踪列表中找到该对象指针并删除 #if CC_USE_MEM_LEAK_DETECTION if (_referenceCount != 0) untrackRef(this); #endif } // retain只是单纯将计数递增 void Ref::retain() { // CCASSERT是cocos2d-x对C++的assert所封装的宏 CCASSERT(_referenceCount > 0,"reference count should greater than 0"); ++_referenceCount; } void Ref::release() { // 首先计数递减 CCASSERT(_referenceCount > 0,"reference count should greater than 0"); --_referenceCount; // 计数为0,应当析构对象 if (_referenceCount == 0) { #if defined(COCOS2D_DEBUG) && (COCOS2D_DEBUG > 0) // 得到一个PoolManager单例的对象 // PoolManager类后面会解释 auto poolManager = PoolManager::getInstance(); // 后面会详细解释这段代码 if (!poolManager->getCurrentPool()->isClearing() && poolManager->isObjectInPools(this)) { // 以下的注释很重要,很快会解释到 // Trigger an assert if the reference count is 0 but the Ref is still in autorelease pool. // This happens when 'autorelease/release' were not used in pairs with 'new/retain'. // // Wrong usage (1): // // auto obj = Node::create(); // Ref = 1,but it's an autorelease Ref which means it was in the autorelease pool. // obj->autorelease(); // Wrong: If you wish to invoke autorelease several times,you should retain `obj` first. // // Wrong usage (2): // // auto obj = Node::create(); // obj->release(); // Wrong: obj is an autorelease Ref,it will be released when clearing current pool. // // Correct usage (1): // // auto obj = Node::create(); // |- new Node(); // `new` is the pair of the `autorelease` of next line // |- autorelease(); // The pair of `new Node`. // // obj->retain(); // obj->autorelease(); // This `autorelease` is the pair of `retain` of previous line. // // Correct usage (2): // // auto obj = Node::create(); // obj->retain(); // obj->release(); // This `release` is the pair of `retain` of previous line. CCASSERT(false,"The reference shouldn't be 0 because it is still in autorelease pool."); } #endif // 假如开启内存泄露检测,则在追踪列表中找到该对象指针并删除 #if CC_USE_MEM_LEAK_DETECTION untrackRef(this); #endif // 调用析构函数并释放空间 delete this; } } // 把该对象指针交给友类AutoreleasePool(具体来说,是PoolManager单例对象所得到的当前的AutoreleasePool)来管理 Ref* Ref::autorelease() { PoolManager::getInstance()->getCurrentPool()->addObject(this); return this; } unsigned int Ref::getReferenceCount() const { return _referenceCount; } #if CC_USE_MEM_LEAK_DETECTION // 这里便是存放所追踪的对象指针的列表 static std::list<Ref*> __refAllocationList; void Ref::printLeaks() { // Dump Ref object memory leaks if (__refAllocationList.empty()) { log("[memory] All Ref objects successfully cleaned up (no leaks detected).\n"); } else { log("[memory] WARNING: %d Ref objects still active in memory.\n",(int)__refAllocationList.size()); // C++的range-for语法 // 打印出每个泄露内存的对象指针的类型和引用计数 for (const auto& ref : __refAllocationList) { CC_ASSERT(ref); const char* type = typeid(*ref).name(); log("[memory] LEAK: Ref object '%s' still active with reference count %d.\n",(type ? type : ""),ref->getReferenceCount()); } } } // 将对象指针放入列表中 static void trackRef(Ref* ref) { CCASSERT(ref,"Invalid parameter,ref should not be null!"); // Create memory allocation record. __refAllocationList.push_back(ref); } // 在列表中找到该对象指针并删除 static void untrackRef(Ref* ref) { auto iter = std::find(__refAllocationList.begin(),__refAllocationList.end(),ref); if (iter == __refAllocationList.end()) { log("[memory] CORRUPTION: Attempting to free (%s) with invalid ref tracking record.\n",typeid(*ref).name()); return; } __refAllocationList.erase(iter); } #endif // #if CC_USE_MEM_LEAK_DETECTION


  • 当Ref的计数变为0时,它一定不能在AutoreleasePool中。

  • Ref的计数为0且同时在AutoreleasePool中的错误是由new/retain和autorelease/release没有对应引起的(有木有想起C++中new和delete没对应所引起的内存泄露?):

  • autorelease缺乏对应的retain。

auto obj = Node::create(); // 注意create函数会调用autorelease方法,因此obj已经没有该指针的所有权了
obj->autorelease(); // obj没有所有权,因此无法再把所有权转交给AutoreleasePool,若要调用autorelease方法需要先调用retain拿到所有权

- release缺乏对应的retain。 例如: ```c++ auto obj = Node::create(); // 注意create函数会调用autorelease方法,因此obj已经没有该指针的所有权了 obj->release(); // obj没有所有权,因此无法再控制计数(所有权在AutoreleasePool),若要调用release方法需要先调用retain拿到所有权
  • 正确的用法是在create后调用autorelease或release方法前先用retain拿到所有权:

// 前面我们分析过create函数,它会先用new operator得到对象,再调用autorelease方法
// 这里new和autorelease对应
auto obj = Node::create();
|- new Node();
|- autorelease();

// 这里retain和autorelease对应,autorelease一个已经被autorelease过的对象(例如通过create函数构造的对象)必须先retain

又如: ```c++ auto obj = Node::create(); // 这里retain和release对应,release一个已经被autorelease过的对象(例如通过create函数构造的对象)必须先retain obj->retain(); obj->release();



class CC_DLL AutoreleasePool
* @warn Don't create an auto release pool in heap,create it in stack.
* @js NA
* @lua NA
* 警告:不要在heap上构造AutoreleasePool对象,要在stack上构造

 * Create an autorelease pool with specific name. This name is useful for debugging.
AutoreleasePool(const std::string &name);

 * @js NA
 * @lua NA

 * Add a given object to this pool.
 * The same object may be added several times to the same pool; When the
 * pool is destructed,the object's Ref::release() method will be called
 * for each time it was added.
 * @param object    The object to add to the pool.
 * @js NA
 * @lua NA
 * 把指定的对象指针放到AutoreleasePool对象中
 * 注意:
 * 同一对象的指针可能会被多次加入到同一AutoreleasePool对象中;
 * 当该AutoreleasePool对象被析构时,该对象指针被加入多少次,就得调用多少次该对象的release()函数
 * 这是因为AutoreleasePool用vector而非set来存放所管理的对象指针,因此不会去重
void addObject(Ref *object);

 * Clear the autorelease pool.
 * Ref::release() will be called for each time the managed object is
 * added to the pool.
 * @js NA
 * @lua NA
 * 清空AutoreleasePool
 * 每个被管理的对象指针被加入多少次,就会调用多少次release()函数
void clear();

if defined(COCOS2D_DEBUG) && (COCOS2D_DEBUG > 0)

 * Whether the pool is doing `clear` operation.
bool isClearing() const { return _isClearing; };


 * Checks whether the pool contains the specified object.
 * 检查AutoreleasePool对象是否管理某个对象指针
bool contains(Ref* object) const;

 * Dump the objects that are put into autorelease pool. It is used for debugging.
 * The result will look like:
 * Object pointer address     object id     reference count
void dump();

* The underlying array of object managed by the pool.
* Although Array retains the object once when an object is added,proper
* Ref::release() is called outside the array to make sure that the pool
* does not affect the managed object's reference count. So an object can
* be destructed properly by calling Ref::release() even if the object
* is in the pool.
* AutoreleasePool对象将它所管理的对象指针放到下面的vector中
* 尽管每次有对象指针加到该vector中时,该vector实际上retain拿到了所有权,
* 但是Ref::release()会被调用来保证AutoreleasePool不会改变它所管理的对象指针
* 的引用计数。
* 所以,当某个对象指针被放到AutoreleasePool类中管理时,仍然可以通过调用
* Ref::release()函数来析构它
> _managedObjectArray;
std::string _name;

if defined(COCOS2D_DEBUG) && (COCOS2D_DEBUG > 0)

 *  The flag for checking whether the pool is doing `clear` operation.
bool _isClearing;



从类声明中能解读出的最重要的信息是AutoreleasePool类用STL vector来存放它所管理的Ref所指向的对象。要搞清楚原理还需要继续看它的实现: ```c++ AutoreleasePool::AutoreleasePool() : _name("") #if defined(COCOS2D_DEBUG) && (COCOS2D_DEBUG > 0),_isClearing(false) #endif { _managedObjectArray.reserve(150); // 每个新创建的AutoreleasePool对象都交由PoolManager单例对象统一管理 PoolManager::getInstance()->push(this); } AutoreleasePool::AutoreleasePool(const std::string &name) : _name(name) #if defined(COCOS2D_DEBUG) && (COCOS2D_DEBUG > 0),_isClearing(false) #endif { _managedObjectArray.reserve(150); // 每个新创建的AutoreleasePool对象都交由PoolManager单例对象统一管理 PoolManager::getInstance()->push(this); } AutoreleasePool::~AutoreleasePool() { CCLOGINFO("deallocing AutoreleasePool: %p",this); // 清空该AutoreleasePool clear(); // 要析构的AutoreleasePool对象不再由PoolManager管理 PoolManager::getInstance()->pop(); } // 只是单纯调用vector::push_back加入所管理的对象 void AutoreleasePool::addObject(Ref* object) { _managedObjectArray.push_back(object); } // clear函数就是AutoreleasePool调用release来管理对象的引用计数的地方 void AutoreleasePool::clear() { #if defined(COCOS2D_DEBUG) && (COCOS2D_DEBUG > 0) _isClearing = true; #endif // 调用每个在AutoreleasePool的对象指针的release方法 for (const auto &obj : _managedObjectArray) { obj->release(); } // 清空存放管理对象的vector _managedObjectArray.clear(); #if defined(COCOS2D_DEBUG) && (COCOS2D_DEBUG > 0) _isClearing = false; #endif } // 线性搜索所管理的对象指针的vector,查看所指定的Ref指针是否存在 bool AutoreleasePool::contains(Ref* object) const { for (const auto& obj : _managedObjectArray) { if (obj == object) return true; } return false; } void AutoreleasePool::dump() { CCLOG("autorelease pool: %s,number of managed object %d\n",_name.c_str(),static_cast<int>(_managedObjectArray.size())); CCLOG("%20s%20s%20s","Object pointer","Object id","reference count"); for (const auto &obj : _managedObjectArray) { CC_UNUSED_PARAM(obj); CCLOG("%20p%20u\n",obj,obj->getReferenceCount()); } }




class CC_DLL PoolManager
* @js NA
* @lua NA
sharedPoolManager() { return getInstance(); }
static PoolManager* getInstance();

 * @js NA
 * @lua NA
CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE static void purgePoolManager() { destroyInstance(); }
static void destroyInstance();

 * Get current auto release pool,there is at least one auto release pool that created by engine.
 * You can create your own auto release pool at demand,which will be put into auto releae pool stack.
AutoreleasePool *getCurrentPool() const;

bool isObjectInPools(Ref* obj) const;

 * @js NA
 * @lua NA
friend class AutoreleasePool;

// singleton类把构造函数和析构函数设为private,避免被调用

void push(AutoreleasePool *pool);
void pop();

static PoolManager* s_singleInstance;

// 同样用vector来存放所管理AutoreleasePool对象指针的列表
std::vector<AutoreleasePool*> _releasePoolStack;


再来看类实现: ```c++ PoolManager* PoolManager::s_singleInstance = nullptr; PoolManager* PoolManager::getInstance() { if (s_singleInstance == nullptr) { s_singleInstance = new PoolManager(); // Add the first auto release pool new AutoreleasePool("cocos2d autorelease pool"); } return s_singleInstance; } void PoolManager::destroyInstance() { delete s_singleInstance; s_singleInstance = nullptr; } PoolManager::PoolManager() { _releasePoolStack.reserve(10); } PoolManager::~PoolManager() { CCLOGINFO("deallocing PoolManager: %p",this); // 逐个析构所管理的AutoreleasePool对象 while (!_releasePoolStack.empty()) { AutoreleasePool* pool = _releasePoolStack.back(); delete pool; } } // 加入AutoreleasePool对象指针时用的是stl::vector的push_back函数, // 于是调用back函数就可以得到最新被加入的AutoreleasePool对象指针 AutoreleasePool* PoolManager::getCurrentPool() const { return _releasePoolStack.back(); } // 线性搜索每个被管理的AutoreleasePool, // 每个AutoreleasePool对象再用contains函数线性搜索一遍 bool PoolManager::isObjectInPools(Ref* obj) const { for (const auto& pool : _releasePoolStack) { if (pool->contains(obj)) return true; } return false; } void PoolManager::push(AutoreleasePool *pool) { _releasePoolStack.push_back(pool); } void PoolManager::pop() { CC_ASSERT(!_releasePoolStack.empty()); _releasePoolStack.pop_back(); }




void DisplayLinkDirector::mainLoop()
    if (_purgeDirectorInNextLoop)
        _purgeDirectorInNextLoop = false;
    else if (! _invalid)

        // release the objects



以上是大佬教程为你收集整理的cocos2d-x V3.x内存管理分析全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决cocos2d-x V3.x内存管理分析所遇到的程序开发问题。

