Perl   发布时间:2022-04-07  发布网站:大佬教程
大佬教程收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了perl – 如何解析文件,创建记录并对记录执行操作,包括术语频率和距离计算大佬教程大佬觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我是一个介绍Perl课程的学生,正在寻找建议和反馈我的方法来编写一个小的(但棘手的)程序来分析有关原子的数据.我的教授鼓励论坛.我没有使用Perl subs或模块(包括Bioperl),因此请将响应限制在适当的“初学者级别”,以便我能够理解并从您的建议和/或代码中学习(也请限制“魔术”).





$^W = 1; # turn on warnings
use Strict; # behave!

my @fields;
my @recs;

while ( <DATA> ) {
 @fields = split(/\s+/);
 push @recs,makeRecord(@fields);

for (my $i = 0; $i < @recs; $i++) {
 printRec( $recs[$i] );
    my %command_table = (
 freq => \&freq,length => \&length,density => \&density,Help => \&Help,quit => \&quit

print "Enter a command: ";
while ( <STDIN> ) {
 my @line = split( /\s+/);
 my $command = shift @line;
 if ($command !~ /^freq$|^density$|length|^Help$|^quit$/ ) {
    print "Command must be: freq,length,density or quit\n";
  else {
 print "Enter a command: ";

sub makeRecord 
    # Read the entire line and make records from the lines that contain the 
    # word ATOM or HETATM in the first column. Not sure how to do this:
 my %record = 
 serialnumber => shift,aminoacid => shift,coordinates => shift,element  => [ @_ ]

sub freq
    # take an array of atom records,return a hash whose keys are 
    # disTinct atom names and whose values are the frequences of
    # these atoms in the array.  

sub length
    # take an array of atom records and return the max distance 
    # between all pairs of atoms in that array. My instructor
    # advised this would be constructed as a for loop inside a for loop. 

sub density
    # take an array of atom records and a number d and will return a
    # hash whose keys are atom serial numbers and whose values are 
    # the number of atoms within that distance from the atom with that
    # serial number. 

sub Help
    print "To use this program,type either\n","freq\n","length\n","density followed by a number,d,\n","Help\n","quit\n";

sub quit
 exit 0;

# truncaTing for tesTing purposes. Actual data is aprox. 100 columns 
# and starts with ATOM or HETATm.
ATOM   4743  CG  GLN A 704      19.896  32.017  54.717  1.00 66.44           C  
ATOM   4744  CD  GLN A 704      19.589  30.757  55.525  1.00 73.28           C  
ATOM   4745  OE1 GLN A 704      18.801  29.892  55.098  1.00 75.91           O


看起来你的Perl技能正在很好地推进 – 使用引用和复杂的数据结构.以下是一些一般建议的提示和部分.

>使用警告而不是$^ W = 1启用警告.前者是自我记录的,并且具有封闭块的本地优势而不是全局设置.

while (my $input_record = <DATA>){


@H_70_12@my $record = makeRecord(@fields); push @recs,$record if $record->{typE} =~ /^(ATOM|HETATM)$/;


use Strict;
use warnings;


sub run {
    my $atom_data = load_atom_data();


sub interact_with_user {
    my $atom_data = shift;
    my %command_table = (...);

    while (1){
        print "Enter a command: ";
        chomp(my $reply = <STDIN>);

        my ($command,@linE) = split /\s+/,$reply;

        if ( $command =~ /^(freq|density|length|Help|quit)$/ ) {
            # Run the command.
        else {
            # Print usage message for user.



以上是大佬教程为你收集整理的perl – 如何解析文件,创建记录并对记录执行操作,包括术语频率和距离计算全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决perl – 如何解析文件,创建记录并对记录执行操作,包括术语频率和距离计算所遇到的程序开发问题。

