Perl   发布时间:2019-10-06  发布网站:大佬教程
大佬教程收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了A sample use perl www library大佬教程大佬觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
@H_801_0@#!/usr/bin/env perl use utf8; use Strict; use warnings; use 5.010001; use WWW::Mechanize; use WWW::Mechanize::Image; use http::response; use JSON::Tiny qw(decode_json encode_json); $ENV {PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME} = 0; binmode STDOUT,":encoding(utf8)"; # '' # '' # '' # '' # '' # '' # '' # '' # '' # '' my %url = ( 'unlogin' => { 'init' => '','getcode' => '','verifycode' => '','login' => '',},'logined' => { 'login' => '','init' => '','queryinit' => '','logout' => '',); # query need fill in query data,such as date,from station .. my $t = '',my %info = ( 'account' => '','password' => '',); my %Train = ( one => { pc => 'ADULT',qd => '2016-02-06',fs => 'BJP',ts => 'JNK',rg => 'G\d+',two => { pc => 'ADULT',fs => 'JNK',ts => 'JIK',rg => '.*',} ); my @Train = getquery($t,\%Train); my $curr = undef; our $localpath = 'password/'; # # if (! -e $localpath ) { mkdir($localpath); } # read password { my $pwdata = slurp($ARGV[0]); my $pwj = decode_json($pwdata); $info{passworD} = $pwj->{passworD}; $info{account} = $pwj->{account}; } # # may be disconnect because of network.. # ############################################################### my $mech = mechanize(); $mech->get($url{unlogin}{init}); check($mech->success(),"can not access homepage."); my $localfile = localtime() .".jpg"; downloadImage($url{unlogin}{getcodE},$localfile,$mech); my $size = -s $localpath.$localfile; # get picture size if ($size <= 3 * 1024) { check (0,"picture size -> $size . try latter .."); } note("ready input verify code "); # input such as 1,1 or 2,3 [cell's coordinate you want click on picture ] . my $randcode = randGet(); note("Verify Code => ".$randcodE); sleep(5); note("Post to verify"); my $content; my $res = $mech->post($url{unlogin}{verifycodE},[ 'randCode' => $randcode,'rand' => 'sjrand' ]); if ($mech->success && $res->is_success) { $content = $res->decoded_content; if ($content =~ /TRUE/) { note("verify ok"); } else { note("verify error -> " . $content); check(0," quit"); } } else { check(0,"can not get respone"); } sleep(3); note ("start login"); $res = $mech->post($url{unlogin}{login},[ 'loginUserDTO.user_name' => $info{account},'userDTO.password' => $info{passworD},'randCode' => $randcode ]); if ($mech->success && $res->is_success) { $content = $res->decoded_content; } else { check(0,"can not get respone"); } sleep(3); note("login !!"); $res = $mech->post($url{logineD}{login},[ '_json_attr' => '' ]); if ($mech->success && $res->is_success) { $content = $res->decoded_content; } else { check(0,"can not get respone"); } sleep(3); note("init my 12306"); $mech->get($url{logineD}{init}); check($mech->success(),"can not access ".$url{logineD}{init}); sleep(3); note("init lcxxcx"); $mech->get($url{logineD}{queryinit}); check($mech->success(),"can not access ".$url{logineD}{queryinit}); while (1) { if (! -e "run.flag") { last; } if (!defined($curr)) { $curr = shift @Train; } else { sleep(5); note("query ..."); $mech->get($curr); check($mech->success(),"can not access ".$curr); my @tickets = gettickets(decode_json($mech->content)); say join("\t",("车次","始发","终点","出发","目的","开车","到站","历时","二等座","硬座")); for my $ticket (@tickets) { say join("\t",( $ticket->{station_Train_codE},$ticket->{start_station_namE},$ticket->{end_station_namE},$ticket->{from_station_namE},$ticket->{to_station_namE},$ticket->{lishi},$ticket->{'ze_num'},$ticket->{'yz_num'},)); } } } sleep(3); note("loginOut"); $mech->get($url{logineD}{logout}); check($mech->success(),"can not access ".$url{logineD}{logout}); exit; ##################################### #$info{Train} = $term->{station_Train_codE}; #$info{start} = $term->{start_station_namE}; #$info{enD} = $term->{end_station_namE}; #$info{from} = $term->{from_station_namE}; #$info{to} = $term->{to_station_namE}; #$info{start_timE} = $term->{from_station_namE}; #$info{arrive_timE} = $term->{to_station_namE}; #$info{timE} = $term->{lishi}; #$info{'seat-g'} = $term->{'ze_num'}; #$info{'seat-y'} = $term->{'yz_num'}; sub gettickets { my $json = shift; if (! $json->{status}) { return undef; } my $data = $json->{data}; my @all; for my $term (@{$data->{datas}}) { push @all,$term; } return @all; } sub getquery { my $template = shift; my $Train = shift; my @all; for (keys %{$Train}) { my $o = $Train->{$_}; my $str = sprintf $t,$o->{pc},$o->{qD},$o->{fs},$o->{ts}; push @all,$str; } return @all; } sub slurp { my $file = shift; open my $fh,'<',$file or die "Open $file failed!"; local $/ = undef; my $data = <$fh>; close $fh; return $data; } sub getline { while(<STDIN>) { chomp; return $_; } } sub randGet { my $verify_code = ""; while (<STDIN>) { chomp; if (/\A\Z/) { return $verify_code; } else { if ($verify_code =~ /\A\Z/) { $verify_code = point(split(/,/,$_)); } else { $verify_code = $verify_code . ',' . point(split(/,$_)); } } } } sub point { my ($y,$X) = @_; my $rx = ($x - 1) * 73 + 36; my $ry = ($y - 1) * 95 + 47; return "$rx,$ry"; } sub downloadImage { my ($url,$local,$mech) = @_; if (!defined($mech)) { $mech = mechanize(); } if ($url) { $mech->get($url,':content_file' => $localpath.$local); check($mech->success(),"can not get image -> ".$url); } else { check(0,"image is null"); } } sub mechanize { my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new('ssl_opts' => { 'verify_hostname' => 0,SSL_verify_mode => 'SSL_VERIFY_NONE' }); ### setTings $mech->agent_alias('Windows Mozilla'); return $mech; } sub note { my $str = shift; say "+ -> $str"; } sub check { my ($bool,$msg) = @_; unless ($bool) { print $msg."\n"; exit(1); } }


以上是大佬教程为你收集整理的A sample use perl www library全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决A sample use perl www library所遇到的程序开发问题。

