程序问答   发布时间:2022-05-31  发布网站:大佬教程  code.js-code.com



Heloooo,我是开发新手,如果代码看起来很糟糕,我很抱歉。我正在构建一个调查,其中每个问题都有一个值从 0 到 100 的范围滑块,我试图从范围滑块中获取数字并将其分配给它的问题。每个问题都是数组中的一个对象,我试图将范围结果添加为键值对。如果用户更改输入,它还需要更新。我尝试了很多不同的方法,但没有任何效果,我认为我的范围有问题,因为“this”始终是 Window 对象而不是问题。请帮忙!

    <div class="container">
    <!-- Using only Js -->
    <ul ID="questions">
        <!-- questions will be appended here -->

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.Js" integrity="sha256-QWo7LDvxbWT2tbbQ97B53yJnYU3WhH/C8ycbRAkjPDc=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

    var questionList = document.getElementByID("questions");
    var slIDer = document.getElementByID("q-slIDer");
    var range = document.querySELEctor(".testRange");
    var questions = [
        Q :"You create visions and translate them to strategy and action.",ID: 1,result : '' 
        Q :"you work with initiative and are responsible about results",ID: 2,{
        Q :"You spot and harness opportunitIEs to create growth and profitability",ID: 3,{
        Q :"You focus to end-result,spot risks and think impact of your action",ID: 4,{
        Q :"You negotiate,promote and influence to achIEve results.",ID: 5,{
        Q :"You meet new people,create network to achIEve results.",ID: 6,{
        Q :"You provIDe clarity,inspiration and focus to team achIEve object",ID: 7,{
        Q :"You coach,teach and develop people for their growth",ID: 8,{
        Q :"You recognize informal rules and political processes to get results.",ID: 9,{
        Q :"you work by following rules and procedures to achIEve results.",ID: 10,{
        Q :"You prioritize systematically resource alLOCATIOn to achIEve results.",ID: 11,{
        Q :"You stay steady and supportive even under stress to produce results. ",ID: 12,{
        Q :"You analyze complex data and create clear conclusions.",ID: 13,{
        Q :"You develop conTinuosly your professional expertise and kNowledge.",ID: 14,{
        Q :"You create new,even imaginative solutions and perspectives to problems ",ID: 15,{
        Q :"You communicate clearly and effectively.",ID: 16,{
        Q :"you work well with others toWARDs common goals",ID: 17,{
        Q :"You kNow your strengths and weaknesses well.",ID: 18,]

    var designer = [];
    var plAnner = [];
    var activator = [];
    // Create questions
    for (i=0; i <= questions.length -1; i++) {
        const li = document.createElement('li');
        let question = questions.map(a => a.Q);
        li.INNERHTML = question[i];
    // Add slIDers to each question
    $('li').append('<form class="q-slIDer"></form>');
    $('.q-slIDer').append('<div class="range question"></div>');
    $('.question').append('<input class="testRange" type="range" min="0" max="100" step="1" value="50" data-orIEntation="vertical">');
    // find ID
    questions.forEach(function (question) {
        let ID = questions.map(a => a.ID);

    // const answerMap = {};
    $(".testRange").on("change",function() {
            var value = $(this).val();
            var question = $(this)[0].ID;
            questions[question] = value;
            // console.log(questions);




要执行您的要求,您可以将事件处理程序挂接到滑块的 input 事件。从那里您可以使用它的索引来检索数组中的匹配问题,并使用滑块中的值更新 result 属性。试试这个:

let questions = [{ Q: "You create visions and translate them to strategy and action.",result: '' },{ Q: "you work with initiative and are responsible about results",{ Q: "You spot and harness opportunities to create growth and profitability",result: '' }]

let $questionList = $('#questions');
let questionHtml = questions.map(q => `<li>${q.Q}<div class="range question"><input class="testRange" type="range" min="0" max="100" step="1" value="50" data-orientation="vertical"><span class="value">50</span></div></li>`);

$questionList.on('input','.testRange',e => {
  let $slider = $(e.target);
  questions[$slider.index('.testRange')].result = $slider.val();  

$('#debug').on('click',() => console.log(questions));
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.js" integrity="sha256-QWo7LDvxbWT2tbbQ97B53yJnYU3WhH/C8ycbRAkjPDc=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

<div class="container"></div>
<ul id="questions"></ul>
<button id="debug">Get results</button>



