CentOS   发布时间:2022-04-02  发布网站:大佬教程  code.js-code.com
大佬教程收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition大佬教程大佬觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


centos7.2  partprobe 执行失败的问题 给ceph的osd配置分区的过程中,想通过partprobe命令及时通知kernel去更新分区表, 所以用parted命令创建完分区后就执行partprobe命令,在centos7.1上代码跑得666的, 但是centos7.2上就发生如下蛋痛的问题: [root@ai126251006028 udev]# partprobe Error:

centos7.2 partprobe 执行失败的问题


[root@ai126251006028 udev]# partprobe
Error: Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition /dev/sdb1 -- Device or resource busy. This means Linux won't kNow about any changes you made to /dev/sdb1 until you reboot -- so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooTing.
Error: Failed to add partition 1 (Device or resource busy)
[root@ai126251006028 udev]# partprobe
Error: Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition /dev/sdb1 -- Device or resource busy. This means Linux won't kNow about any changes you made to /dev/sdb1 until you reboot -- so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooTing.
Error: Failed to add partition 1 (Device or resource busy)

到google上搜索发现针对ceph-deploy工具(http://ceph-users.ceph.narkive.com/nDZS0mBE/ceph-disk-from-jewel-has-issues-on-redhat-7), 有人提了相同的问题,用partx可以搞定。

[root@ai126251006028 udev]# partx -u /dev/sdd
[root@ai126251006028 udev]# partx -u /dev/sdd
[root@ai126251006028 udev]# partprobe
Error: Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition /dev/sdb1 -- Device or resource busy. This means Linux won't kNow about any changes you made to /dev/sdb1 until you reboot -- so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooTing.
Error: Failed to add partition 1 (Device or resource busy)
[root@ai126251006028 udev]# partx -u /dev/sdd
[root@ai126251006028 udev]# partx -u /dev/sdd



以上是大佬教程为你收集整理的Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition所遇到的程序开发问题。

