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大佬教程收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了App Icons on iPad and iPhone大佬教程大佬觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

App Icons on iPad and iPhone

Q:  How are the icon files in my application bundle used on iPad and iPhone?

A: Below are guidelines for handling icon files for iPhone-only apps,iPad-only apps,and universal apps.

Important Icons marked with "required" must be supplied in your application bundle.

iPhone-only Apps

Include the following in your application's resources group in the Xcode project:

Table 1  iPhone-only apps icon requirements.

Image Size (pX)

File Name

Used For

required Status



Ad Hoc iTunes

Optional but recommended



App Store and Home screen on iPhone/iPod touch




Home screen for iPhone 4 High Resolution



Home screen for iPad compatibility



Spotlight and SetTings



Spotlight for iPad compatibility

Recommended if you have a SetTings bundle,otherwise optional but recommended



Spotlight and SetTings for iPhone 4 High Resolution

:13px; vertical-align:middle; border-bottom-width:1px; border-bottom-style:solid; border-bottom-color:rgb(155,otherwise optional but recommended

Your resources group should look SIMILAR TO figure 1:

figure 1  Add files to resources group

App Icons on iPad and iPhone

Except for iTunesArtWork icon,list the names of each of these files in the Icon files entry in the Info.plist. Follow the steps in "Add Icon files in Info.plist" section below. See figure 4.

iPad-only Apps

Include the following in your application's Resources group in the Xcode project:

Table 2  iPad-only apps icon requirements. App Store and Home screen on iPad

Spotlight on iPad

SetTings on iPad

figure 5.

Universal Apps

Include the following in your application's Resources group in the Xcode project:

Table 3  Universal apps icon requirements. App Store and the Home screen on iPhone/iPod touch

SetTings on iPad and iPhone,and Spotlight on iPhone

BACk to Top

Add Icon files in Info.plist

To add the Icon files entry you will need to manually edit your Info.plist.

Open your Info.plist in Xcode,and locate the "Icon file" entry. Click on the plus (+) button at the end of the entry to make a new key entry. as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2  Add a new entry under "Icon file" key

App Icons on iPad and iPhone

Then,type "Icon files" in the key column (notice the "s" added),or choose "Icon files" from the drop down list,as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3  Add "Icon files" key in Info.plist

App Icons on iPad and iPhone

Next,turn down the disclosure triangle on "Icon files" and add the entries for the icons for your application,sans-serif; margin-bottom:0.833em; padding-bottom:0.833em; vertical-align:top">Figure 4 and Figure 5:

Figure 4  Add icon file entries for iPhone-only or Universal apps.

App Icons on iPad and iPhone

Figure 5  Add entries for iPad icon files.

App Icons on iPad and iPhone

For additional information,see the Build-Time Configuration Details section in the iOS Application ProgrAMMing Guide.

For details on using the CFBundleIconFiles key,see Information Property List Key Reference. For information on creaTing your applications icons,sans-serif; margin-bottom:0.833em; padding-bottom:0.833em; vertical-align:top">Application Icons section of the iOS Human Interface Guidelines.

Document Revision History

Date Notes
2011-07-14 After iOS 4.3,order doesn't matter in the icon arrangement. Added links to related references.

2010-07-14 Fixed outdated "Add Icon files in Info.plist" section.

2010-07-12 updated for iOS 4 requirements.

2010-04-09 New document that explains how the icon files in an application bundle are used on iPad and iPhone.


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