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[这一篇有价值:Multitouch (Joystick + Button) not working,only repsonding to latest touch #1979]

UncleAcid commented on 16 Jul 2015

v3's interaction manager is not allowing @H_268_12@me to have a joystick with a button in @H_268_12@my game (run and jump). I touch the joystick and it's fine,as soon as I touch anywhere else as well the joystick starts responding to where the latest moved touch is.

Am I just missing something or is this a bug in the interaction manager ?

In @H_268_12@my touch start I'm setTing = and in @H_268_12@my touch moved I'm using ...

I am aware of #1917,but I can't figure out how to implement it (I've tried so many ways and nothing works),and I'm not even sure that will solve my problem because there's no demo or anything.
englercj commented on 16 Jul 2015

or is this a bug in the interaction manager ?
That,multitouch support doesn't work in the current Interaction manager.
UncleAcid commented on 16 Jul 2015

Ah,lame. I'm just going to try @weepy's hack from #1917 once he posts it and see if that works for Now.

You may want to remove the comment "This manager also supports multitouch." from the interaction manager's constructor for Now (until it actually does support multitouch) as it's misleading.
GoodBoyDigital commented 25 days ago

closing this as multitouch support is working in dev branch. (using data.identifier) thanks!

Multitouch behaviour #2338


stdiopt commented 22 days ago

Hi I was trying to create a pinch to scale feature,and come to realize that Event is being fired for every finger independently causing some excessive calls tho perfoRMANce issues on mobile phones.

is there any plans in this matter? I've seen in code the InteractionManager "//TODO POOL"
fs-manabu-iwata commented 20 days ago

Hi. This library works fine for me.
stdiopt commented 20 days ago

Hi,Thanks for the suggestion

It seems that,that lib uses pixijs on('touchmove') which is the same called once per finger in a pinch its called twice,I ended up implemenTing gesture myself using default touchmove event from html5 and some pixijs internals to map touch to local,this way is called less frequent (pool) even if two fingers moved
stdiopt commented 20 days ago
Sample tests:
stdiopt commented 20 days ago

Sample tests:

Multitouch Interaction Manager #1917

weepy commented on 24 Jun 2015

I was under the impression that PIXI v3 was "multitouch ready". However looking at the InteractionManager,it seems that there's a single .eventData property that holds the state of the varIoUs touches. Its properties get overwritten when varIoUs touches get updated - meaning it's impossible to reason about the state of the touches.

It seems to @H_268_12@me that to fix this we should make eventData an object using the key of each touch ? 
Does this seem like a sensible approach ? 
RoryPicko commented on 24 Jun 2015

@weepy I have managed a multitouch PinchGesture using within one touch 'touchstart' event on a Container,is this what you @H_400_333@mean?
weepy commented on 24 Jun 2015

I mean that this.eventData is essentially the last touch event,but this isn't very useful if you want to process another touch that was prevIoUs to this.

I'm trying out a hack that swaps this.eventData to the current touch in each of the handlers like so :

this.eventData = this.eventDataObject[touchData.identifier] = this.eventDataObject[touchData.identifier] || this.createNewEventData()
UncleAcid commented on 16 Jul 2015

I'm having an issue (#1979) that sounds like your hack would work but I can't figure out how to implement it,or if I did implement it properly it didn't work. Because I'm not sure if this will solve my issue,I'm not sure if I implemented it correctly.

Do you have a jsfiddle or something with your fix in place ?
weepy commented on 16 Jul 2015

Yes @H_268_12@my fix has been working for @H_268_12@me. I can upload soon...
weepy commented on 16 Jul 2015
so I replaced :

    this.eventData = {
        stopped: false,target: null,type: null,data: this.mouse,stopPropagation:function(){
            this.stopped = true;


    this.eventDataObject = {}
    this.createNewEventData = function() {
        return {
            stopped: false,stopPropagation:function(){
                this.stopped = true;
    this.eventData = this.createNewEventData()
and added

this.eventData = this.eventDataObject[touchData.identifier] = this.eventDataObject[touchData.identifier] || this.createNewEventData()
after each (3 of):

 touchData.originalEvent = event;
here's the latest version of pixi + my changes
UncleAcid commented on 16 Jul 2015

Thanks for posTing,that's exactly what I had done when trying to implement this however there is no change to the behavior for @H_268_12@me.

I start dragging the joystick and all is well and then as soon as I touch anything else the joystick is Now responding to that touch,and then whatever touch is the most recently updated ... I don't kNow what I'm missing here.
SirKnightDragoon commented on 6 Aug 2015

Actualy,you can do multitouch with Pixi v3,but you need to build your own EventManager to control the touches id in memory,the order to kNow the first,second touch etc.

My events tested: start,move,end,endout,endorout,tap,doubletap,pinchstart,pinchmove,pinchend,hold,holdlong.

I'm working on a editor,with move,zoom,multitouch pinch like googlemap,so yes that's work !

You need:
changedTouches[i].identifier (i == indeX)
changedTouches[i].clientX ... Y

With all these data,you should do it easily!
Friksel commented 3 days ago

Hum... I was hoping multitouch was working out of the Box too,like the repository of pixi v3 there says.
There is an example on where it does work,but that's still build on pixi version 1 wich isn't compatible with v3. 
With the growing number of mobile/touch devices and the growing use of multitouch as intuitivE interaction an easy way of handling multitouch would be nice inside the standard pixi lib in my opinion.

Any chance this will be implemented any time soon? Or will this work in v4?

Multitouch: objects receive wrong touchend event #2309

alclub commented on 23 Jan

If two sprites are handling touchstart and touchend events,sometimes one sprite receives BOTH touchend events,and the other sprite does not receive any touchend events.

Here is a gif Demonstrating the effect:
As you can see in the console,a sprite will receive a touchstart event,then remember the touch 'identifier' that is embedded in the event. All sprites receive ALL unrelated touchmove events,therefore the sprite must filter out events which pertain to itself by checking the identifier in each event (not printed to consolE). However,sometimes one sprite receives all the touchend events,including those that contain identifiers associated with the other sprites. these other sprites don't get their touchend events.

The workaround stated here involving adding checks to the processTouchStart and processTouchEnd:

Alternatively,perhaps all sprites should receive all touchend events,just like they receive all touchmove events,and allow each sprite to remember its own touchstart identifier,and then listen for a touchend which has the same identifier.



