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大佬教程收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了The Meta-Object System(Qt元对象系统)大佬教程大佬觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

Qt’s Meta-object system provides the signals and slots mechanism for inter-object communication,run-time type information,and the dynamic property system.


The Meta-object system is based on three things:


1.The QObject class provides a base class for objects that can take advantage of the Meta-object system.


2.The Q_OBjeCT macro inside the private section of the class declaration is used to enable Meta-object features,such as dynamic properties,signals,and slots.


3.The Meta-Object Compiler (@H_997_64@moc) supplies each  subclass with the necessary code to implement Meta-object features.


The  tool reads a C++ source file. If it finds one or more class declarations that contain the  macro,it produces another C++ source file which contains the Meta-object code for each of those classes. This generated source file is either #include'd into the class's source file or,more usually,compiled and linked with the class's implementation


In addition to providing the signals and slots mechanism for communication between objects (the main reason for introducing the system),the Meta-object code provides the following additional features:


QObject::MetaObject() returns the associated Meta-object for the class.


QMetaObject::className() returns the class name as a String at run-time,without @R_874_10613@iring native run-time type information (RTTI) support through the C++ compiler.


QObject::inherits() function returns whether an object is an instance of a class that inherits a specified class within the  inheritance tree.


QObject::tr() and QObject::trUtf8() translate Strings for internationalization.


QObject::setPropertyQObject::property() dynamically set and get properties by name.


QMetaObject::newInstance() constructs a new instance of the class.


it is also possible to perform dynamic casts using qobject_cast() on  classes. The () function behaves similarly to the standard C++ dynamic_cast(),with the advantages that it doesn't @R_874_10613@ire RTTI support and it works across dynamic library boundaries. It attempts to cast its argument to the pointer type specified in angle-brackets,returning a non-zero pointer if the object is of the correct type (determined at run-timE),or 0 if the object's type is incompatible.

另外也可以使用qobject_cast()执行QObject类之间的动态转换。qobject_cast()函数的行为类似标准C++的 dynamic_cast(),优势是它无需RTTI的支持并且可以跨动态库工作。它视图将参数转换成括号中指定类型的指针,如果对象是正确类型(在运行时确定的)返回非0指针,如果对象类型不符,返回0。

For example,let's assume @H_795_85@myWidget inherits from QWidget and is declared with the  macro:


QObject *obj = new MyWidget;

obj variable,of type QObject *:rgb(49,actually refers to a  object,so we can cast it appropriately:


QWidget *widget = qobject_cast< *>(obj);

The cast from  to  is successful,because the object is actually a :rgb(49,which is a subclass of . Since we kNow that  is a :rgb(49,we can also cast it to @H_379_266@myWidget *:


@H_175_277@myWidget *myWidget = qobject_cast<MyWidget *>(obj);

The cast to  is successful because () makes no disTinction between built-in Qt types and custom types.


QLabel *label = qobject_cast< *>(obj);

//label is 0

The cast to QLabel:rgb(49,on the other hand,fails. The pointer is then set to 0. This makes it possible to handle objects of different types differently at run-time,based on the type:


if(QLabel* label = qobject_cast<QLabel*>(obj))




else if(QPushButton* button = qobject_cast<QPushButton*>(obj))



While it is possible to use  as a base class without the  macro and without Meta-object code,neither signals and slots nor the other features described here will be available if the  macro is not used. From the Meta-object system's point of view,a  subclass without Meta code is equivalent to its closest ancestor with Meta-object code. This means for example,that () will not return the actual name of your class,but the class name of this ancestor.


Therefore,we strongly recommend that all subclasses of  use the  macro regardless of whether or not they actually use signals,slots,and properties.



以上是大佬教程为你收集整理的The Meta-Object System(Qt元对象系统)全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决The Meta-Object System(Qt元对象系统)所遇到的程序开发问题。

