程序问答   发布时间:2022-06-01  发布网站:大佬教程  code.js-code.com
大佬教程收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了是否有可能使用 Jackson JsonParser大佬教程大佬觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

如何解决是否有可能使用 Jackson JsonParser?

开发过程中遇到是否有可能使用 Jackson JsonParser的问题如何解决?下面主要结合日常开发的经验,给出你关于是否有可能使用 Jackson JsonParser的解决方法建议,希望对你解决是否有可能使用 Jackson JsonParser有所启发或帮助;

我正在尝试使用 Jackson JsonParser 从一个大型 JsON 文件中一一读取事件。我想将每个事件临时存储在一个对象中,例如 JsonObject 或任何其他我以后想要用于进一步处理的对象。

我之前是一一读取 JsON 事件并将它们存储到我自己的自定义上下文中:Old Post for JACKSON JsonParser Context 工作正常。但是,我想将它们一一存储到 JsonObject 或其他对象中,而不是上下文。

以下是我的示例 JsON 文件:

@H_674_14@{ "@context":"https://context.org/context.jsonld","isA":"SchoolManagement","format":"application/ld+Json","scheR_170_11845@aVersion":"2.0","creationDate":"2021-04-21T10:10:09+00:00","body":{ "members":[ { "isA":"student","name":"ABCS","class":10,"coaching":[ "XSJsJ","IIIRIRI" ],"dob":"1995-04-21T10:10:09+00:00" },{ "isA":"teacher","department":"computer scIEnce","school":{ "name":"ABCD School" },{ "isA":"boardMember","board":"schoolboard","dob":"1995-04-21T10:10:09+00:00" } ] } }

有时我只想在我的 @H_736_3@member 中存储一个 student,例如 teacherJsonObject

以下是我到目前为止的代码: 将每个事件存储在一个对象中的最佳方法是什么,我以后可以使用它进行一些处理。 然后再次清除该对象并将其用于下一个事件?

@H_674_14@public class Main { private JsONObject evenTinfo; private final String[] eventTypes = @R_874_3320@[] { "student","teacher","boardMember" }; public static voID main(String[] args) throws JsonParseException,JsonMapPingException,IOException,JAXBException,URISyntaxException { // Get the JsON Factory and parser Object JsonFactory JsonFactory = new JsonFactory(); JsonParser JsonParser = JsonFactory.createParser(new file(Main.class.getClassLoader().getresource("inputJson.Json").toURI())); JsonToken current = JsonParser.nextToken(); // check the first element is Object if (current != JsonToken.START_OBjeCT) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected content to be an array"); } // Loop until the start of the EPCIS EventList array while (JsonParser.nextToken() != JsonToken.START_ARRAY) { System.out.println(JsonParser.getCurrentToken() + " --- " + JsonParser.getCurrentname()); } // Goto the next token JsonParser.nextToken(); // Call the method to loop until the end of the events file eventTraverser(JsonParser); } // Method which will traverse through the eventList and read event one-by-one private static voID eventTraverser(JsonParser JsonParser) throws IOException { // Loop until the end of the EPCIS events file while (JsonParser.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBjeCT) { //Is there a possibility to store the complete object directly in an JsON Object or I need to again go through every token to see if is array and handle it accordingly as mentioned in my prevIoUs POST. } } }



@H_674_14@public class Main { public void xmlConverter (InputStream jsonStream) throws IOException,JAXBException,XMLStreamException { // jsonStream is the input JSOn which is normally passed by reading the JSON file // Get the JSON Factory and parser Object final JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory (); final JsonParser jsonParser = jsonFactory.createParser (jsonStream); final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper (); //To read the duplicate keys if there are any key duplicate json final SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule (); module.addDeserializer (JsonNode.class,new JsonNodeDupeFieldHandlingDeserializer ()); objectMapper.registerModule (modulE); jsonParser.setCodec (objectMapper); // check the first element is Object if not then invalid JSON throw error if (jsonParser.nextToken () != JsonToken.START_OBjeCT) { throw new IllegalStateException ("Expected content to be an array"); } while (!jsonParser.getText ().equals ("members")) { //Skipping the elements till members key // if you want you can do some process here // I am skipping for now } // Goto the next token jsonParser.nextToken (); while (jsonParser.nextToken () != JsonToken.END_ARRAY) { final JsonNode jsonNode = jsonParser.readValueAsTree (); //check if the JsonNode is valid if not then exit the process if (jsonNode == null || jsonNode.isNull ()) { System.out.println ("End Of File"); break; } // Get the eventType final String eventType = jsonNode.get ("isA").asText (); // Based on eventType call different type of class switch (eventTypE) { case "student": final student studenTinfo = objectMapper.treeToValue (jsonNode,student.class); //I was calling the JAXB Method as I was doing the JSON to XML Conversion xmlCreator (studenTinfo,student.class); break; case "teacher": final Teacher teacherInfo = objectMapper.treeToValue (jsonNode,Teacher.class); xmlCreator (teacherInfo,Teacher.class); break; } } } //Method to create the XML using the JAXB private void xmlCreator (Object evenTinfo,Class eventTypE) throws JAXBException { private final StringWriter sw = @R_874_3320@Writer (); // Create JAXB Context object JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance (eventTypE); // Create Marshaller object from JAXBContext Marshaller marshaller = context.createMarshaller (); // Print formatted XML marshaller.setProperty (Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT,Boolean.TRUE); // Do not add the <xml> version tag marshaller.setProperty (Marshaller.JAXB_FRAGMENT,Boolean.TRUE); // XmlSupportExtension is an interface that every class such as student Teacher implements // xmlSupport is a method in XmlSupportExtension which has been implemented in all classes // Create the XML based on type of incoming event type and store in SW marshaller.marshal (((XmlSupportExtension) evenTinfo).xmlSupport (),sw); // Add each event within the List eventsList.add (sw.toString ()); // Clear the StringWritter for next event sw.getBuffer ().setLength (0); } }

这是覆盖 JACKSON 类的类。 如果您的 Json 具有重复的 JSON 密钥,则可以使用此方法。如果您需要,请关注此帖子以获得完整的说明。如果不需要,请跳过此部分并从上述类中删除代码 @H_736_3@module 部分: Jackson @JsonAnySetter ignores values of duplicate key when used with Jackson ObjectMapper treeToValue method

@H_674_14@ @JsonDeserialize(using = JsonNodeDupeFieldHandlingDeserializer.class) public class JsonNodeDupeFieldHandlingDeserializer extends JsonNodeDeserializer { @Override protected void _handleDuplicateField(JsonParser p,DeserializationContext ctxt,JsonNodeFactory nodeFactory,String fieldName,ObjectNode objectNode,JsonNode oldValue,JsonNode newvalue) { ArrayNode asArrayValue = null; if (oldValue.isArray()) { asArrayValue = (ArrayNodE) oldValue; } else { asArrayValue = nodeFactory.arrayNode(); asArrayValue.add(oldvalue); } asArrayValue.add(newvalue); objectNode.set(fieldName,asArrayvalue); } }


以上是大佬教程为你收集整理的是否有可能使用 Jackson JsonParser全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决是否有可能使用 Jackson JsonParser所遇到的程序开发问题。

