程序问答   发布时间:2022-06-01  发布网站:大佬教程  code.js-code.com
大佬教程收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了访问 VBA 和智能卡 - 诀窍是什么?大佬教程大佬觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

如何解决访问 VBA 和智能卡 - 诀窍是什么??

开发过程中遇到访问 VBA 和智能卡 - 诀窍是什么?的问题如何解决?下面主要结合日常开发的经验,给出你关于访问 VBA 和智能卡 - 诀窍是什么?的解决方法建议,希望对你解决访问 VBA 和智能卡 - 诀窍是什么?有所启发或帮助;

我正在尝试使用 windows 10/Access 2016 和 VBA 来玩智能卡,并且我遇到了几乎所有我能找到的关于如何实现这一点的示例,包括:

  • https://www.utteraccess.com/forum/Acccess-Card-Readers-t1986575.html
  • GetTing started with smartcard & ISO 7816 in excel vba ( SCardEstablishContext )
  • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winscard/(用于函数参)和
  • Authentication Return Values 和 System Error Codes 只是为了弄清楚什么是横向的。

我遇到的问题是 @H_673_15@SCardEstablishContext 返回 @H_673_15@0x0 - SCARD_S_succesS,但是当我将 SCARDCOntexT 传递给 @H_673_15@SCardisValIDContext 时,它返回 @H_673_15@0x6 - ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE。

这是我正在使用的代码的相关部分(忽略 @H_673_15@AuthDict 和 @H_673_15@SCardAuthCode,因为它们只是帮助函数来解码其他函数返回的任何状态)

@H_673_15@Public AuthDict As ScripTing.Dictionary
Public Const SCARD_ScopE_USER As Long = &H0
Public Const SCARD_ScopE_SYstem As Long = &H2
Public Const SCARD_SHARE_SHARED As Long = &H2
Public Const SCARD_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE As Long = &H1
Public Const SCARD_SHARE_DIRECT As Long = &H3
Public Const SCARD_PROTOCol_T0 As Long = &H1
Public Const SCARD_PROTOCol_T1 As Long = &H2
Public Const SCARD_DEFAulT_READERS As String = "SCard$DefaultReaders\000"
Public Const SCARD_all_READERS As String = "SCard$AllReaders\000"

Public Type SCARDCOntexT
    CardContext1 As Long
    Readername As String
End Type

Public Declare PtrSafe Function SCardEstablishContext lib "winscard.dll" ( _
    ByVal DWScope As Long,_
    ByVal pvReserved1 As Long,_
    ByVal pvReserved2 As Long,_
    ByRef phContext As SCARDCOntexT _
    ) As Long

Public Declare PtrSafe Function SCardisValIDContext lib "winscard.dll" ( _
    ByRef hContext As SCARDCOntexT _
) As Long

Public Sub GetContext()
    Dim lreturn As Long
    Dim RSVD1 As Long,RSVD2 As Long
    Dim myContext As SCARDCOntexT
    Set AuthDict = New ScripTing.Dictionary

    DeBUG.Print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    lreturn = SCardEstablishContext(SCARD_ScopE_USER,RSVD1,RSVD2,myContext)
    SCardAuthCode lreturn
    DeBUG.Print "SCardEstablishContext:" & vbCrLf & _
                "   Return = " & AuthDict("hr") & vbCrLf & _
                "   Value = " & AuthDict("hc") & vbCrLf & _
                "   Description = " & AuthDict("hd") & vbCrLf & _
                "   myContext.CardContext1 = " & myContext.CardContext1 & vbCrLf & _
                "   myContext.Readername = " & chr(34) & myContext.Readername & chr(34) & vbCrLf
    lreturn = SCardisValIDContext(myContext)
    SCardAuthCode lreturn
    DeBUG.Print "SCardisValIDContext:" & vbCrLf & _
                "   Return = " & AuthDict("hr") & vbCrLf & _
                "   Value = " & AuthDict("hc") & vbCrLf & _
                "   Description = " & AuthDict("hd") & vbCrLf
    If lreturn <> 0 Then GoTo GetContextExit
    DeBUG.Print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf
End Sub

运行 Sub,这是输出:

   Return = 0x00000000
   Value = SCARD_S_succesS
   Description = No error was encountered.
   myContext.CardContext1 = -855572480
   myContext.Readername = ""

   Return = 0x00000006
   Description = The handle is invalID.


似乎我没有正确设置 @H_673_15@myContext,但我不知道它应该是什么样子。

此外,如果您想要漂亮的回报,这里是 @H_673_15@SCardAuthCode 的代码:

Public Function SCardAuthCode(lreturn As Long)
    Dim hreturn As String,hc As String,hd As String
    hreturn = "0x" & Right("0000000" & Hex(lreturn),8)
    SELEct Case hreturn
        Case "0x00000000": hc = "SCARD_S_succesS": hd = "No error was encountered."
        Case "0x00000006": hc = "ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE": hd = "The handle is invalID."
        Case "0x00000109": hc = "ERROR_broKEN_PIPE": hd = "The clIEnt attempted a smart card operation in a remote session,such as a clIEnt session running on a terminal server,and the operaTing system in use does not support smart card redirection."
        Case "0x80100001": hc = "SCARD_F_INTERNAL_ERROR": hd = "An internal consistency check Failed."
        Case "0x80100002": hc = "SCARD_E_CANCELLED": hd = "The action was canceled by an SCardCancel request."
        Case "0x80100003": hc = "SCARD_E_INVALID_HANDLE": hd = "The supplIEd handle was not valID."
        Case "0x80100004": hc = "SCARD_E_INVALID_ParaMETER": hd = "One or more of the supplIEd parameters Could not be properly interpreted."
        Case "0x80100005": hc = "SCARD_E_INVALID_TARGET": hd = "Registry startup information is missing or not valID."
        Case "0x80100006": hc = "SCARD_E_NO_MEMORY": hd = "Not enough memory available to complete this command."
        Case "0x80100007": hc = "SCARD_F_WAITED_TOO_LONG": hd = "An internal consistency timer has expired."
        Case "0x80100008": hc = "SCARD_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER": hd = "The data buffer for returned data is too small for the returned data."
        Case "0x80100009": hc = "SCARD_E_UNKNowN_READER": hd = "The specifIEd reader name is not recognized."
        Case "0x8010000A": hc = "SCARD_E_TIMEOUT": hd = "The user-specifIEd time-out value has expired."
        Case "0x8010000B": hc = "SCARD_E_SHARING_VIolATION": hd = "The smart card cAnnot be accessed because of other outstanding connections."
        Case "0x8010000C": hc = "SCARD_E_NO_smaRTCARD": hd = "The operation requires a smart card,but no smart card is currently in the device."
        Case "0x8010000D": hc = "SCARD_E_UNKNowN_CARD": hd = "The specifIEd smart card name is not recognized."
        Case "0x8010000E": hc = "SCARD_E_CANT_disPOSE": hd = "The system Could not dispose of the media in the requested mAnner."
        Case "0x8010000F": hc = "SCARD_E_PROTO_MIsmaTCH": hd = "The requested protocols are incompatible with the protocol currently in use with the card."
        Case "0x80100010": hc = "SCARD_E_NOT_READY": hd = "The reader or card is not ready to accept commands."
        Case "0x80100011": hc = "SCARD_E_INVALID_VALUE": hd = "One or more of the supplIEd parameter values Could not be properly interpreted."
        Case "0x80100012": hc = "SCARD_E_SYstem_CANCELLED": hd = "The action was canceled by the system,presumably to log off or shut down."
        Case "0x80100013": hc = "SCARD_F_COMM_ERROR": hd = "An internal communications error has been detected."
        Case "0x80100014": hc = "SCARD_F_UNKNowN_ERROR": hd = "An internal error has been detected,but the source is unkNown."
        Case "0x80100015": hc = "SCARD_E_INVALID_ATR": hd = "An ATR String obtained from the registry is not a valID ATR String."
        Case "0x80100016": hc = "SCARD_E_NOT_transaCTED": hd = "An attempt was made to end a nonexistent transaction."
        Case "0x80100017": hc = "SCARD_E_READER_UNAVAILABLE": hd = "The specifIEd reader is not currently available for use."
        Case "0x80100018": hc = "SCARD_P_SHUTDOWN": hd = "The operation has been aborted to allow the server application to exit."
        Case "0x80100019": hc = "SCARD_E_PCI_TOO_smaLL": hd = "The PCI receive buffer was too small."
        Case "0x8010001A": hc = "SCARD_E_READER_UNSUPPORTED": hd = "The reader driver does not meet minimal requirements for support."
        Case "0x8010001B": hc = "SCARD_E_DUPliCATE_READER": hd = "The reader driver dID not produce a unique reader name."
        Case "0x8010001C": hc = "SCARD_E_CARD_UNSUPPORTED": hd = "The smart card does not meet minimal requirements for support."
        Case "0x8010001D": hc = "SCARD_E_NO_serviCE": hd = "The smart card resource manager is not running."
        Case "0x8010001E": hc = "SCARD_E_serviCE_StopPED": hd = "The smart card resource manager has shut down."
        Case "0x8010001F": hc = "SCARD_E_UNEXPECTED": hd = "An unexpected card error has occurred."
        Case "0x80100020": hc = "SCARD_E_ICC_INSTALLATION": hd = "No priMary provIDer can be found for the smart card."
        Case "0x80100021": hc = "SCARD_E_ICC_CREATEORDER": hd = "The requested order of object creation is not supported."
        Case "0x80100022": hc = "SCARD_E_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE": hd = "This smart card does not support the requested feature."
        Case "0x80100023": hc = "SCARD_E_DIR_NOT_FOUND": hd = "The specifIEd directory does not exist in the smart card."
        Case "0x80100024": hc = "SCARD_E_file_NOT_FOUND": hd = "The specifIEd file does not exist in the smart card."
        Case "0x80100025": hc = "SCARD_E_NO_DIR": hd = "The supplIEd path does not represent a smart card directory."
        Case "0x80100026": hc = "SCARD_E_NO_file": hd = "The supplIEd path does not represent a smart card file."
        Case "0x80100027": hc = "SCARD_E_NO_ACCESS": hd = "Access is denIEd to the file."
        Case "0x80100028": hc = "SCARD_E_WRITE_TOO_MANY": hd = "An attempt was made to write more data than would fit in the target object."
        Case "0x80100029": hc = "SCARD_E_BAD_SEEK": hd = "An error occurred in setTing the smart card file object pointer."
        Case "0x8010002A": hc = "SCARD_E_INVALID_CHV": hd = "The supplIEd PIN is incorrect."
        Case "0x8010002B": hc = "SCARD_E_UNKNowN_RES_mng": hd = "An unrecognized error code was returned."
        Case "0x8010002C": hc = "SCARD_E_NO_SUCH_CERTIFICATE": hd = "The requested certificate does not exist."
        Case "0x8010002D": hc = "SCARD_E_CERTIFICATE_UNAVAILABLE": hd = "The requested certificate Could not be obtained."
        Case "0x8010002E": hc = "SCARD_E_NO_READERS_AVAILABLE": hd = "No smart card reader is available."
        Case "0x8010002F": hc = "SCARD_E_COMM_DATA_LOST": hd = "A communications error with the smart card has been detected."
        Case "0x80100030": hc = "SCARD_E_NO_KEY_CONTAINER": hd = "The requested key container does not exist on the smart card."
        Case "0x80100031": hc = "SCARD_E_SERVER_TOO_BUSY": hd = "The smart card resource manager is too busy to complete this operation."
        Case "0x80100032": hc = "SCARD_E_PIN_CACHE_EXPIRED": hd = "The smart card PIN cache has expired."
        Case "0x80100033": hc = "SCARD_E_NO_PIN_CACHE": hd = "The smart card PIN cAnnot be cached."
        Case "0x80100034": hc = "SCARD_E_READ_ONLY_CARD": hd = "The smart card is read-only and cAnnot be written to."
        Case "0x80100065": hc = "SCARD_W_UNSUPPORTED_CARD": hd = "The reader cAnnot communicate with the card,due to ATR String configuration conflicts."
        Case "0x80100066": hc = "SCARD_W_UNRESPONSIVE_CARD": hd = "The smart card is not responding to a reset."
        Case "0x80100067": hc = "SCARD_W_UNPOWERED_CARD": hd = "Power has been removed from the smart card,so that further communication is not possible."
        Case "0x80100068": hc = "SCARD_W_reset_CARD": hd = "The smart card was reset."
        Case "0x80100069": hc = "SCARD_W_REMOVED_CARD": hd = "The smart card has been removed,so further communication is not possible."
        Case "0x8010006A": hc = "SCARD_W_Security_VIolATION": hd = "Access was denIEd because of a security violation."
        Case "0x8010006B": hc = "SCARD_W_WRONG_CHV": hd = "The card cAnnot be accessed because the wrong PIN was presented."
        Case "0x8010006C": hc = "SCARD_W_CHv_bLOCKED": hd = "The card cAnnot be accessed because the maximum number of PIN entry attempts has been reached."
        Case "0x8010006D": hc = "SCARD_W_EOF": hd = "The end of the smart card file has been reached."
        Case "0x8010006E": hc = "SCARD_W_CANCELLED_BY_USER": hd = "The action was canceled by the user."
        Case "0x8010006F": hc = "SCARD_W_CARD_NOT_AUTHENTICATED": hd = "No PIN was presented to the smart card."
        Case "0x80100070": hc = "SCARD_W_CACHE_ITEM_NOT_FOUND": hd = "The requested item Could not be found in the cache."
        Case "0x80100071": hc = "SCARD_W_CACHE_ITEM_STALE": hd = "The requested cache item is too old and was deleted from the cache."
        Case "0x80100072": hc = "SCARD_W_CACHE_ITEM_TOO_BIG": hd = "The new cache item exceeds the maximum per-item size defined for the cache."
        Case Else: hc = "UNKNowN VALUE": hd = "UnkNown value."
    End SELEct
    AuthDict.Add "hr",hreturn
    AuthDict.Add "hc",hc
    AuthDict.Add "hd",hd
End Function


@H_673_15@SCARDCOntexT 不是类型,而是句柄。我不知道这种类型来自哪里。

为该句柄使用 @H_673_15@LongPtr。

@H_673_15@SCardEstablishContext 使用指向句柄的指针,所以 @H_673_15@ByRef

@H_673_15@Public Declare PtrSafe Function SCardEstablishContext Lib "winscard.dll" ( _
    ByVal dwScope As Long,_
    ByVal pvReserved1 As LongPtr,_
    ByVal pvReserved2 As LongPtr,_
    ByRef phContext As LongPtr_
    ) As Long

请注意,两个 @H_673_15@pvReserved 也是指针,所以 @H_673_15@LongPtr,而不是 @H_673_15@Long。在彻底检查哪些 @H_673_15@PtrSafe 实际上应该是 @H_673_15@Long 之后,您才应该添加 @H_673_15@LongPtr。


@H_673_15@Public Declare PtrSafe Function SCardIsValidContext Lib "winscard.dll" ( _
    ByVal hContext As LongPtr _
) As Long


当然,完成后不要忘记 @H_673_15@SCardReleaseContext,如果您打开上下文并且从不关闭它们,Windows 可能会变得烦躁。


以上是大佬教程为你收集整理的访问 VBA 和智能卡 - 诀窍是什么?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决访问 VBA 和智能卡 - 诀窍是什么?所遇到的程序开发问题。

