程序问答   发布时间:2022-06-01  发布网站:大佬教程  code.js-code.com



我在 A 到 H 列有数据。有些行在 H 中有数据。如果 HI 中有数据,需要在下一行之前插入一行并将 H 的内容复制到新行到单元格 F。>


如果 H 不为空,我找到了插入一行的代码。

如果不是空白,我需要将 H 复制到下一行并复制到 F 列的单元格中。


Sub Setupdata()
    'This copIEs specific cells from PasteDataHere worksheet
    Application.Screenupdating = false

    Dim s1 As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim s2 As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim iLastCellS2 As Excel.Range
    Dim iLastRowS1 As Long

    Set s1 = Sheets("PasteDataHere")
    Set s2 = Sheets("Step1")

    ' get last row of H in PasteDataHere
    iLastRowS1 = s1.Cells(s1.Rows.Count,"H").End(xlUp).Row

    ' get last AVAILABLE cell to past into
    Set iLastCellS2 = s2.Cells(s2.Rows.Count,"A").End(xlUp).offset(0,0)

    'copy into Step1
    s1.Range("H1",s1.Cells(iLastRowS1,"H")).copy iLastCellS2

    ' get last row of I in PasteDataHere
    iLastRowS1 = s1.Cells(s1.Rows.Count,"I").End(xlUp).Row

    ' get last AVAILABLE cell to past into
    Set iLastCellS2 = s2.Cells(s2.Rows.Count,"B").End(xlUp).offset(0,0)

    'copy into Step1
    s1.Range("I1","I")).copy iLastCellS2
    ' get last row of K in PasteDataHere
    iLastRowS1 = s1.Cells(s1.Rows.Count,"K").End(xlUp).Row

    ' get last AVAILABLE cell to past into
    Set iLastCellS2 = s2.Cells(s2.Rows.Count,"C").End(xlUp).offset(0,0)

    'copy into Step1
    s1.Range("K1","K")).copy iLastCellS2
    ' get last row of M in PasteDataHere
    iLastRowS1 = s1.Cells(s1.Rows.Count,"M").End(xlUp).Row

    ' get last AVAILABLE cell to past into
    Set iLastCellS2 = s2.Cells(s2.Rows.Count,"D").End(xlUp).offset(0,0)

    'copy into Step1
    s1.Range("M1","M")).copy iLastCellS2
    ' get last row of N in PasteDataHere
    iLastRowS1 = s1.Cells(s1.Rows.Count,"N").End(xlUp).Row

    ' get last AVAILABLE cell to past into
    Set iLastCellS2 = s2.Cells(s2.Rows.Count,"E").End(xlUp).offset(0,0)

    'copy into Step1
    s1.Range("N1","N")).copy iLastCellS2
    ' get last row of E in PasteDataHere
    iLastRowS1 = s1.Cells(s1.Rows.Count,"E").End(xlUp).Row

    ' get last AVAILABLE cell to past into
    Set iLastCellS2 = s2.Cells(s2.Rows.Count,"F").End(xlUp).offset(0,0)

    'copy into Step1
    s1.Range("E1","E")).copy iLastCellS2
    ' get last row of G in PasteDataHere
    iLastRowS1 = s1.Cells(s1.Rows.Count,"G").End(xlUp).Row

    ' get last AVAILABLE cell to past into
    Set iLastCellS2 = s2.Cells(s2.Rows.Count,"G").End(xlUp).offset(0,0)

    'copy into Step1
    s1.Range("G1","G")).copy iLastCellS2
    ' get last row of H in PasteDataHere
    iLastRowS1 = s1.Cells(s1.Rows.Count,"S").End(xlUp).Row

    ' get last AVAILABLE cell to past into
    Set iLastCellS2 = s2.Cells(s2.Rows.Count,"H").End(xlUp).offset(0,0)

    'copy into Step1
    s1.Range("S1","S")).copy iLastCellS2

    Application.Screenupdating = True
    'this step puts a space below any row that has data in "H"
    Dim rng As Range
    For Each rng In Range("H1:H62555")
        If Not IsEmpty(rng) Then
        End If

End Sub


以下答案完全基于您的问题,而不是您提供的代码。它基于 Sheet1 中的数据 - 根据需要更改。

插入行时,您需要自下而上工作 - 否则您定义的范围(随着每个插入的行而变化)会抛出您的代码。


Option Explicit

Sub Setupdata()

Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim Lastws1 As Long,i As Long
Dim Rng As Range
Application.Screenupdating = false

Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") '<~~ change sheet name to suit

Lastws1 = ws1.Cells(Rows.Count,"H").End(xlUp).Row

Set Rng = Sheet1.Range("H2:H" & Lastws1)

For i = Lastws1 To 1 Step -1
    If Rng.Item(i) <> "" Then
            Rng.Item(i).offset(1,0).EntireRow.Insert shift:=xlDown
            Rng.Item(i).offset(1,-2) = Rng.Item(i).Value
    End If

Next i

Application.Screenupdating = True

End Sub



