Android   发布时间:2022-04-28  发布网站:大佬教程
大佬教程收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了android – SQLite中一行与另一行的比较大佬教程大佬觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我有一个 Android应用程序.在我的Android应用程序中,我有一个sqlite数据库.在我的sqlite数据库中,我有一个如下所示的表:

_id    a    b    c    d
 1     1    1    1    0
 2     0    1    1    1
 3     1    0    0    1
 4     0    1    0    1


_id    a    b    c    d    result
 1     1    1    1    0    NULL
 2     0    1    1    1    50%
 3     1    0    0    1    25%
 4     0    1    0    1    33%



SELEct  CurAndNext.T1_id,Sum( Case When D1.Val + D2.Val = 1 Then 1 End ) As CnTinEitherRow,Sum( Case When D1.Val + D2.Val = 2 Then 1 End ) / 4.000 As PercBoth
From    (
        SELECT T1._id As T1_id,Max( T2._id ) As T2_id
        From myTable As T1
            Left Join myTable As T2
                On T2._id < T1._id
        Group By T1._id
        ) As CurAndNext
    Join    (
            SELEct _id,'a' As Col,a As Val From myTable As T1
            union all
            SELEct _id,'b',b From myTable As T1
            union all
            SELEct _id,'c',c From myTable As T1
            union all
            SELEct _id,'d',d From myTable As T1
            ) As D1
        On D1._id = CurAndNext.T1_id
    Left Join   (
                SELEct _id,a As Val From myTable As T1
                union all
                SELEct _id,b From myTable As T1
                union all
                SELEct _id,c From myTable As T1
                union all
                SELEct _id,d From myTable As T1
                ) As D2
            On D2._id = CurAndNext.T2_id
                And D2.Col = D1.Col
Group By CurAndNext.T1_Id



create table student
    Id int not null PriMary Key,name varchar(50) NOT NULL

create table Class
    Id int not null PriMary Key,name varchar(50) NOT NULL

-- if using dates,this would be the equivalent
-- of a calendar table
create table ClassDay 
    DayNum int not null PriMary Key 

-- ClassDayNum would be better as a Date    
create table Attendence
    studentId int References student( Id ),ClassId int References Class( Id ),ClassDayNum int not null  References ClassDay( DayNum ),Unique( studentId,ClassId,ClassDayNum )

Insert student( Id,Name )
SELEct 1,'a'
union all SELEct 2,'b'
union all SELEct 3,'c'
union all SELEct 4,'d'

Insert Class( Id,Name )
Values (1,'Some Class' )

Insert ClassDay( DayNum )
SELEct 1
union all SELEct 2
union all SELEct 3
union all SELEct 4

Insert Attendence( ClassId,studentId,ClassDay )
SELEct 1,1,1
union all SELEct 1,3
union all SELEct 1,2,2
union all SELEct 1,4
union all SELEct 1,3,4,4


SELEct Class.Id,ClassDay.DayNum,Count(DisTinct A.studentId) As Attendence,Count(DisTinct A.studentId) / 4.000 As Ratio
From Class
    Cross Join student
    Cross Join ClassDay
    Left Join Attendence As A
        On A.ClassId = Class.Id
            And A.studentId = student.Id
            And A.ClassDayNum = ClassDay.DayNum
            And A.ClassDayNum > 1
    Left Join Attendence As A2
        On A2.ClassId = Class.Id
            And A2.studentId = student.Id
            And A2.ClassDayNum = ClassDay.DayNum - 1
Where Not( A.studentId Is Not Null And A2.studentId Is Not Null )
Group By Class.Id,ClassDay.DayNum


DayNum  Attendence | Ratio
1      |    0      |   0
2      |    1      |   .25
3      |    1      |   .25
4      |    1      |   .25

SELEct ClassDay.DayNum,Sum( Case When A.studentId Is Not Null And A2.studentId Is Not Null Then 1 End ),Sum( Case When A.studentId Is Not Null And A2.studentId Is Not Null Then 1 End ) / 4.000
From Class
    Cross Join student
    Cross Join ClassDay
    Left Join Attendence As A
        On A.ClassId = Class.Id
            And A.studentId = student.Id
            And A.ClassDayNum = ClassDay.DayNum
            And A.ClassDayNum > 1
    Left Join Attendence As A2
        On A2.ClassId = Class.Id
            And A2.studentId = student.Id
            And A2.ClassDayNum = ClassDay.DayNum - 1
Group By ClassDay.DayNum
DayNum | Attendence | Ratio
1      |    NULL    |  NULL
2      |    2       |  0.500000
3      |    1       |  0.250000
4      |    1       |  0.250000


以上是大佬教程为你收集整理的android – SQLite中一行与另一行的比较全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决android – SQLite中一行与另一行的比较所遇到的程序开发问题。

