PHP   发布时间:2022-04-04  发布网站:大佬教程


abstract class CollectionAbs implements Iterator {
    public function GetListAsXml() {...}
    public function GetItemsByFilter(criteria: array) {...}
    public function Sort(comparisonFunction) {...}

    public function AddItem(newItem: CollectionItemAbs);
    public function RemoveItem(newItem: CollectionItemAbs);
    public function updateItem(newItem: CollectionItemAbs);

    protected itemList: array of CollectionItemAbs;

abstract class CollectionItemAbs {
    abstract public function Save();
    abstract public function Load();
    abstract public function delete();

    public function GetAsXml(): String {...}
    public function ItemMatchesFilter(criteria: array): Boolean {}

    protected property1;
    protected property2;






如果重要的话,我正在PHP 5.3中执行此操作.




abstract class StatusCodeCollectionAbs extends CollectionAbs {
    protected positionCompareFunction(item1, item2: StatusCodeAbs): Integer {...};
    protected descriptionCompareFunction(item1, item2: StatusCodeAbs): Integer {...};

abstract class StatusCodeAbs extends CollectionItemAbs {
    protected position: Integer;
    protected description: Integer;


class CustomerStatusCodeCollection extends StatusCodeCollectionAbs {
    public function constructor() {
        //load all items to list

    //sort comparison closure unique to this status collection type
    protected legacyCodeCompareFunction(item1, item2: CustomerStatusCodE): Integer {...};


class CustomerStatusCode extends StatusCodeAbs {
    public function Load() {
        //load this item from database

    public function Save() {
        //save this item to the database

    //data unique to this status type
    protected legacyCode: Integer

该系统的要求是,所有收集数据都可以通过更高应用层中提供的一组统一的CRUD方法进行管理.数据层中的这种层次结构通过为集合提供统一的接口来实现,但仍可以正确跟踪特定于集合类型的数据.还有一个附加的状态码层,用于跟踪系统将要跟踪的数十种状态类型共享的通用数据.其他类型的集合可以在CollectionAbs / CollectionItemAbs下拥有自己的抽象层,或者根据需要直接将CollectionAbs和CollectionItemAbs子类化.




>解决此问题的常用方法是传递一个表示数据库中唯一ID的整数数组.如果您要让Item和Items共享同一接口,请不要通过类型检查来强制执行此操作.一个Item只需要一个id,而Items则需要一个数组. PHP的重载非常糟糕,因此我不会强制使用数组来简化重载.



> Xmlserialize应该是一个单独的接口.老实说,我希望PHP本身具有这样的接口.它有很多用途.



 * resource exception would represent a problem with a resource such as a
 * database connection or a service like an API.  Not everything uses a database
 * these days.
class resourceException extends RuntimeException {}

 * A database resource exception.
class DatabaseException extends resourceException {}

 * Allows you to convert an item to and from XMl.
interface Xmlserializeable {
     * @return String A String in XML format represenTing the object.
    public function xmlserialize();

     * @param String $xml A String in XML format represenTing the object.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentexception if the $xml is not well-formed.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentexception if the $xml does not represent the correct object.
    public function xmlUnserialize($xml);

 * Allows you to sort an object.
interface Sortable {
     * Sorts the collection with the function provided.  If none is provided, it
     * will simply use compareTo on each item.
     * @param function $fn The sorTing function. 
    function sort($fn=null);

 * An active node.  An active node contains methods to save, load, delete,
 * convert to XML, etc.  it is 'active' because it is tied to the resource it
 * represents.
interface IActiveNode extends XMLserializeable {

     * Saves the item to the database.
     * @throws DatabaseException if an error occurs during the save.
    public function save();

     * Loads the item from the database.
     * @throws DatabaseException if an error occurs during the load.
    public function load();

     * deletes the item from the database.
     * @throws DatabaseException if an error occurs during the deletion.
    public function delete();

     * Compares an item to another.
     * @param IActiveNode $node The node to compare to.
     * @return int a negative number for less than, 0 for equality, and a positive number for greater than.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentexception if the item provided cAnnot be compared to.
    public function compareTo(IActiveNode $nodE);

     * Tests for equality against the provided item.
     * @param IActiveNode $node The node to compare to.
     * @return Boolean if the nodes are equal.
    public function equals(IActiveNode $nodE);

 * A collection of active nodes.  Note that you should override behavior of many
 * off the methods this inherits to ensure that 
interface IActiveNodes extends IActiveNode, Sortable, Countable, Iterator {
     * Adds a node to the collection.
     * @param IActiveNode $node The IActiveNode to add.
     * @return int The index the node was added into.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentexception if the IActiveNode is the wrong type for this collection.
    function addNode(IActiveNode $nodE);

     * Removes a node from the collection. Uses the equals method. Nodes will be
     * reordered after a remove.
     * @param IActiveNode $node The IActiveNode to remove.
     * @return IActiveNode The removed node.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentexception if the IActiveNode is the wrong type for this collection.
    function removeNode(IActiveNode $nodE);

     * Gets an item from the list.
     * @param IActiveNode $node The node to retrieve.
     * @return IActiveNode The IActive node that matches the one provided.
    function getNode(IActiveNode $nodE);
     * checks to see if a node exists in the collection. Uses the equals method.
     * @param IActiveNode $node The IActiveNode to check for containment.
     * @return Boolean Returns true if the IActiveNode is in the collection.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentexception if the IActiveNode is the wrong type for this collection.
    function contains(IActiveNode $nodE);

     * Gets an item from the list.
     * @param int $index The index to retrieve.
     * @return IActiveNode The IActive node at the index provided.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentexception if the index is not an Integer.
     * @throws OutOfBoundsException if the index is out of bounds.
    function geTindex($indeX);

     * Removes an item from the list by index.
     * @param int $index The index to remove.
     * @return IActiveNode The IActive node at the index provided.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentexception if the index is not an Integer.
     * @throws OutOfBoundsException if the index is out of bounds.
    function removeIndex($indeX);

     * Filters the collection with a function.  It calls the filter function on
     * each item in the collection, and if the filter function returns true, then
     * it will add that to a new IActiveNodes collection, and return it.
     * @param function $fn A filter function.
     * @return IActiveNodes The filtered nodes.
    function filter($fn);








